What are you building?

First off, welcome to the Daily CMO Community.

We set up this community for marketers and entrepreneurs to connect with each other. Not in the sense where they hard-sell each other. But, in the sense where we lift each other up.

Nobody knows everything. But together, we know a lot.

How is this different from a social media group?

We’ve found that people on social media are distracted. They go online to see their friends, and don’t really connect meaningfully with other entrepreneurs.

Also, people on social can be condescending. Rather than lift people up, they say unpleasant things and bring others down.

This community will be lightly moderated. So, we will remove people who aren’t constructive and polite.

OK, so what now?

If you’re new here, the best thing to do is to introduce yourself. Using the format below would be helpful to get others to know who you are.

Who are you?

Your background & what do you do?

What are you building?

Business, product, service and etc.

Your biggest business/marketing challenge

What is the current challenge you face?


Hi Guys, my name is Reese Tan, I am a Facebook Marketer, biggest challenge for me at the moment is, client will ask, Do you know how to do Tiktok?? SEO/SEM? Can you help me to manage my TT/ IG account as well?

One piece of content you recommend :
Ms. Puiyi, a world-class internet celebrity from Malaysia, has amassed a following nearly as large as Taiwan’s population.
However, most people tend to focus on her appearance and overlook her intelligent mind. She has strategically managed her career, from starting on OnlyFans to now breaking into traditional media.

[The KK Show - 192 腦比胸大 Ms Puiyi @ms_puiyi ​ - YouTube]


looking forward to see you in person Reese :slight_smile:

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Hello :smiley:

I am Jiale, from Silko Malaysia, an online furniture brand (mainly table and bespoke tables made of Solid Rubberwood). We started our business on Shopee and Lazada and are now trying to expand our market and do our own branding. Due to the platforms’ policies, I want to be independent of the E-commerce platform, because sometimes we lose control of our orders on these platforms. Other than that, these platforms target the low-price market (in my opinion), which is different from our aim.

Biggest Challenge:

  1. How to build our brand through ads.
  2. How to attract high-quality customers (Not just say hi and go, or with higher purchase power).

See you.



Hi everyone,

I’m Mel from Foundingbird and a D2C brand enthusiast. I wear multiple hats in driving business development, partnerships and community building.

My biggest business/marketing challenge
Marketing budget constraint
Customer engagement to boost retention

One piece of content you recommend (book, article, podcast, video…)
Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why”


Hey guys, I am Summer from Mimshach Marketing. We specialize in social media ads that drive business growth, been doing this since 2020 and I really love the opportunities that I get to work with different businesses and connect with the owners at a personal level.

My biggest business/marketing challenge

  • Being consistent in showing up for my own brand
  • Knowing that constantly upgrading myself is crucial but yet find it hard to juggle with business operations, etc…
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Aloha everyone! William here from The HACK Consulting. :wave:
We are appreciated by our clients for making their day to day tedious marketing process simple with the implementation of AI and CRM automation. I am also multi-hatting as a lifecycle marketing manager at a US Fintech called MoneyLion. Super excited to be here and thanks @reuben for organizing this!

Here’s something that we are trying to HACK now
The biggest marketing challenge we have right now is as a business, we have recently pivoted going from mass market into specific market [Health and Fitness], I am finding it a little difficult to build an authority as I am not a personal trainer myself. Any fellow agency owners or marketers can advice how you build trust in an authority you are not a key player in?

One piece of content you recommend (book, article, podcast, video…)
I highly recommend sell like crazy - Sabri Suby This book have changed how I sell to every client when they are on a call, it’s like a cheat sheet to know one’s preference in minutes of reading

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Hey guys, Azhar here
I’m a creative designer who helps business owner to create their creative (visual and video)

My biggest challenge is sealing the deal like a pro and pricing my services.

One piece of content I recommend: Follow this guy. He guides freelancers or anyone to sell their own skills.


Thanks for sharing. Looks like an interesting person. Maybe for the next Underdog Con

Hey guys, Aiden here
I’m a video creative director, and the biggest challenge I’m facing right now is convincing people that using video in their marketing can greatly improve their results, despite their concerns about the cost involved.

One piece of content I would recommend would be reading Seth Godin books he has a different approached about marketing and Marty Neumeier books if you’re into branding.


Have you tried producing some case studies? Most businesses only care about revenue, so you need to help them see the ROI. I’d do the homework for a brand.

For example:

Your product is RM600. Based on the numbers you shared, I foresee the 5 videos I’ll be creating will potentially provide an increase of 25% in5 sales, which is an additional of 50 units. That is an additional RM30,000 in revenue… My quote is RM8,000 for the project.

Simplified example. But hope it sheds light.


Thanks for the reply and insight Reuben, definitely big help.

Hey guys, my name’s Renee. Newest addition to the Nateskin crew as Content Creator/Editor. Spoiler alert: we sell ball trimmers.

My biggest challenge is understanding the great big world of ads. I’ll get there soon.

I recommend watching this video, about how short-form content may bow out of the content ecosystem in due time.

Don’t be a stranger!


That’s an interesting video. Who thinks short-form content is going to go away?

  • Short-form content will die eventually.
  • Short-form content is here to stay

0 voters

Hey guys, my name is Imran Hani and I’m a freelance sports videographer/content creator. I mainly shoot basketball and football videos. You can watch some of my stuff here if you’re interested; Basketball 1, Basketball 2, Football 1, Football 2.

I guess my biggest challenge right now is probably on Pricing my service or Finding the right client.

This book really changed my life as a creative, Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon.


Hey Imran, welcome!

Those are some nice works. Well done!

I like that you’re niching down to sports. It’s really hard to do that (FOMO) as a creative. We tend to want to do it all.

Pricing is tricky. If I could share my limited experience, I would start out with a project-fee rate, then move into value-based pricing where I see the amount of value I provide to a client and then charge a sensible % of that.

Again, easier said than done. Take it as an experiment!

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Thanks for the tips Reuben, I’ve never heard of value-based pricing before. Will definitely learn and experiment it in my next project.

Hey everyone, I’m Johanna and I’m a copywriter. At the moment my biggest challenge is communicating my value as a copywriter to prospects. The most common view of copywriting is that you’re just slapping some words together but the reality is a lot of technical than that. In terms of a piece of content that I’d like to share is the Fundamentals of Copywriting youtube tutorial by Copy That. For a free course, it’s pretty extensive in what it covers and I’d say rivals some paid courses out there on the same topic. Looking forward to meeting you all on Weds!


Hi everyone, I’m Shawn from Velford Academy . We teach high school graduates how to bake and start their career in the baking industry.

The current challenge right now:

  1. Attract more genuine enquiries through ads
  2. Strategize an effective marketing campaign that drives business growth

One piece of content which I recommend:
Building A Story Brand is a book that emphasizes on why having a clear communication is important for business growth.


Hi everyone, I’m Alyssa social media executive. The current challenge that I faced, creating engaging content.

**One piece of content you recommend (book, article, podcast, video…)

I watched Khairulaming’s content, he started from scratch until he became a businessman from creating cooking content on social media.

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